Sting Ray

Sting Ray

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Stuck in the mud

A few years ago we saw this car in the mud. It got stuck in the mud because it was too heavy. Then the people set it on fire. The tide comes in and covers it with water. The car was rusting. The rust was coming off in the tides.  Eventually it got moved, but it must have been through about 50 tides.

Monday, 17 April 2017

Our crab

We found a crab on the beach and it was complete so we are going to take it to the museum.

We picked up Rubbish today

Saturday, 1 April 2017

Sea lice

One day we went fishing. I was fishing standing in the water in the shallows and I lost my hook and my sinker, so then I went to go and have a look for them around the mangroves when the tide went out a little bit. Then I found my hook. I picked it up and the bait had twenty odd sea lice on it.